Founded in 1967, the North East Labour History Society (NELH) is Britain’s oldest regional labour history society. It is dedicated to the study of working people’s history in the region, particularly during the modern period. We encourage an atmosphere of debate and discussion on both historical and contemporary issues.
The Society is a membership organisation, open to individuals, organisations, libraries and other institutions. Members receive a copy of the society’s journal NELH: North East History plus Newsletters, whose cost is included in the price of membership.
For more information about membership, please see our How to Join page.
Officers and Committee
Secretary: David Connolly
President: Maureen Callcott
Vice President: John Creaby
Chair: Liz O’Donnell
E-mail: c
Vice Chair: Kath Connolly
Treasurer: Judith McSwaine
Membership Secretary: Peter Nicklin
Journal Editors: Willie Thompson (Vol 36); Don Watson (Vol 37); Win Stokes (Vol 38); Willie Thompson (Vol 39); John Charlton (Vol 41); Sandy Irving (42); John Creaby (43); Sarah Rennie (44); Judith McSwaine (45); Mike Greatbach, John Stirling, Sue Wood (46), Brian Bennison (47), Brian Bennison, Mike Greatbach, Win Stokes, Sue Ward (48), Brian Bennison, Mike Greatbach, Win Stokes, Sue Ward, Elizabeth O’Donnell (49), Patrick Candon, Liz O’Donnell, Sue Ward, Win Stokes, John Stirling, John Charlton, Peter Brabban (50), Patrick Candon, Liz O’Donnell, Sue Ward, Wins Stokes, John Charlton, John Stirling, Peter Brabben (51)
Committee: Brian Bennison, Pat Candon, John Charlton, David Connolly, Kath Connolly, John Creaby, Mike Greatbach, Steve Grinter, Lynda MacKenzie, Judith McSwain, Peter Nicklin, Liz O’Donnell, Wendy Palace, Rosie Serdiville, John Stirling, Win Stokes, Don Watson
All members are invited to attend Committee meetings. Contact the Secretary for information about dates and times.
Read about the History of NELH – the first 30 years.