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NELH First Tuesday: Don Watson will talk about Campaigns Around Poverty and Health in the 1930s

6 February 2024 @ 19:00 - 20:30

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Meeting ID: 896 9353 7082
Passcode: 041875

During the 1930s loose networks of scientists, doctors and activists sought to galvanize public opinion and pressure the government over the significant levels of malnutrition and poor health in the areas of high unemployment. Their focus was frequently on the effects of family poverty on child health.

The North East provides some good examples of their work: Dr. M’Gonigle in Stockton is well known but important contributions also came from a Sunderland GP, a future Professor of Child Health at the RVI, the NUWM, and activist Emmie Lawther.

The talk will examine this combination of research work and political campaigning, and discuss how far it influenced social policy.

Don Watson is the author of No Justice Without A Struggle: The National Unemployed Workers’ Movement in the North East of England 1920-1940 (Merlin Press, 2014), and a committee member of the NELHS.


6 February 2024
19:00 - 20:30

