Gosforth Civic Theatre. 15 November 2:30pm and 7:30pm. General Strike 1926: The Cramlington Train Wreckers, by Ed Waugh

Gosforth Civic Theatre Regent Farm Rd,, Newcastle upon Tyne

You will be interested to know that performances of The Cramlington Train Wreckers, written by Ed Waugh and directed by Russell Floyd, will take place at the Gosforth Civic Theatre on Friday 15 November, 2024 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. And any NELHS member or supporter attending the afternoon performance is most welcome to join us […]

Newcastle City Library. Andy Beckett will talk on his new book The Searchers: Five Rebels, Their Dream of a Different Britain and Their Many Enemies

Newcastle City Library

Received from Tyne Bridge Publishing I'd like to offer your members free tickets to Andy Beckett's talk on his new book The Searchers: Five Rebels, Their Dream of a Different Britain and Their Many Enemies at Newcastle City Library on Thursday 28th of November at 6.30pm. Your members can request a free ticket (worth £5) […]

NELH Tuesday Meeting. Tyneside Irish Centre. Ken Smith will talk about North-East Miners’ Banners

Tyneside Irish Centre 43 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

The banners of the Durham and Northumberland coal miners are an extremely important part of the heritage of the former pit communities of the North-East. Emblazoned across their fabric are images and mottoes which reflect the history of the pitmen and their values. This illustrated talk will throw the spotlight on these wonderful icons of […]

Newcastle. Holocaust Memorial Events.

Newcastle: Various Venues

From Peter Sagar This is to invite you a Holocaust Memorial Day event on Thursday 23rd January at the Bewick Hall in Newcastle City Library at 5.30pm and also, to a repeat event at the Community Room in Newcastle West End Library at 3pm on Friday 24th January. The events are remembering the role of […]

NELH Tuesday Meeting, Tyneside Irish Centre. Margaret Bozic, Citizens Advice Cases in 1950s Tyneside: Divorce, Domestics and Rehousing

Tyneside Irish Centre 43 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

This talk by Margaret Bozic explores what life was really like in the North East after the Second World War.  What did we eat, what was the state of the housing, what was the situation of both men and women in the family and society, why were there so many divorces after the War and why […]

Remembrance Event: 100th Anniversary of the Montagu Pit Disaster

St Margaret's Church, Scotswood

From Judith Green, This year marks the centenary of the disaster which killed 38 men and boys from the local area. To commemorate this, local organisations are holding a remembrance event from 10.30am - 1pm and a memorial service at 2pm at St Margaret's Church, Armstrong Road, Scotswood NE15 6AR on Saturday 29 March.