Book launch Events in Durham, Stockton and Newcastle: ‘African Lives in Northern England: From Roman Times to the 21st Century’

Durham, Stockton and Newcastle

This booklet, authored by the African Lives in Northern England project and edited by Beverley Prevatt Goldstein, celebrates the history of Black lives in northern England and dispels the myth that the North East is exclusively white and monocultural. From Septimus Severus, the Roman Emperor, to 19th century Cumbrian John Kent who was believed to […]

Berwick Literary Festival: Michael Taylor – How and Why the British Defended Slavery


When the Anti-Slavery Society was founded in 1823, it was confronted by a formidable lobby comprising slaveholders, merchants, politicians, journalists and intellectuals. This talk explores the ferocious campaign of the British pro-slavery lobby to preserve the institution of colonial slavery – even, in 1833, securing £20m in compensation for the slaveholders. Michael is the author of The […]

Tyneside Irish Centre, Dr Martin O’Donoghue will talk about The Anglo Irish Treaty and its Consequences

Tyneside Irish Centre 43 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

“Full Canadian powers” or “Ireland’s right, full independence and nothing short of it”? The Anglo-Irish Treaty and its consequences. On 6 December 1921, Irish negotiators signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty providing for the establishment of the Irish Free State as a dominion of the British Empire. One of the most controversial documents in modern Irish history, the […]

Celebrating Black History Month – Film Screening @ Culture Lab Newcastle, Stand Up to Racism North East

The Culture Lab Newcastle University

Stand Up to Racism - North East are hosting a double-bill of documentary film screenings on Saturday 23 October at Culture Lab in Newcastle University. The events starts at 5pm. They will be screening the award-winning short film 'The Felling of Colston' (2020 / 10mins) by Arthur Cauty, about the magnificent toppling of the Colston […]

Black History Now!


Black History Now! is an online panel discussion that reflects on the state of the field in Black British History and affirms its centrality to the discipline of History more widely. What is going on in Black History in Durham and the North East? How can historians in Durham and the wider region continue to […]

NELH Tuesday Meeting: Dr Cathy Hunt will talk about ‘Righting the Wrong: the life and work of Mary Macarthur, 1880-1921’


Mary Macarthur, trade unionist and socialist, died 100 years ago in 1921. In this talk, her biographer, Dr Cathy Hunt, looks at the fascinating life and work of this pioneering leader, who founded the National Federation of Women Workers, which improved working conditions for thousands of some of the worst paid women in Britain. Cathy […]

Newcastle: Spanish Civil War Commemoration Event

Grounds of Newcastle Civic Centre

From Martin Levy The Communist Party is planning, in conjunction with members of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, to repeat last year’s North East commemoration events for the 'Volunteers for Liberty' from the North East who gave their lives in Spain. The Newcastle event will be at the International Brigade memorial in the grounds of […]

Middlesbrough: Spanish Civil War Commemoration Event

Dorman Museum Linthorpe Rd, Middlesbrough

From Martin Levy The Communist Party is planning, in conjunction with members of the International Brigade Memorial Trust, to repeat last year’s North East commemoration events for the 'Volunteers for Liberty' from the North East who gave their lives in Spain. The Middlesbrough event will be outside the Dorman Museum at 2.00pm on Sunday 31 […]

Durham University History Department and Gala Theatre: History Now! Coreen McGuire will talk about ‘Invisible Disability in Coalmining Communities’,


From: Dr Tom Hamilton, Associate Professor in Early Modern European History, Durham University The next event in the History Now! series of public talks, organised between the Durham University History Department and the Gala Theatre, is Coreen McGuire’s lecture on ‘Invisible Disability in Coalmining Communities’, which takes place via Zoom between 5.30 and 6.30pm next […]

WEA Talk by John Stirling: William Morris – Past, Present and Future

Brunswick Methodist Church Brunswick Place, Newcastle upon Tyne

From Joanna Keith, Workers Educational Association. William Morris – Past, Present and Future A talk by John Stirling, Vice Chair of the William Morris Society on Saturday 20 November from 10.00am to 1.00pm at the Brunswick Methodist Church, Brunswick Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ (entrance at the side of the Fenwicks Building) Course Code: […]