Durham City: An invite is extended to all  members of NELHS  to attend the National Women Against Pit Closures 40th Anniversary March

Palace Green Durham Cathedral, Durham

The parade of banners will  assemble at Palace Green (Cathedral) at 12.30  where we will sing the Women’s Song  and the Riverside Brass Band will play Gresford and at 1pm  we will parade down Saddler Street and then on to Elvet Bridge led by the Riverside Brass Band. The parade will end outside the Swan and Three […]

South Shields: The Cramlington Train Wreckers & The Role Of Women In The 1926 And 1984/85 Miners’ Strikes

The Word 45 Market Place, South Shields

On March 10, 1926, seven days into the General Strike, striking miners uncoupled a rail on the main line from London to Edinburgh. Their intention was to derail a coal train they felt was undermining the strike. Unfortunately, they derailed a passenger train - the Flying Scotsman! Of the 281 passengers on board, only one […]

NELH Tuesday Meeting: Heather Wood, Just A Pit Lass, an account of growing up and living in Easington Colliery


Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83987112493?pwd=SDlHN3JCUTgxQ0JlckhoaDRrd1NKUT09 Meeting ID: 839 8711 2493 Passcode: 768850 Born and raised in Easington, the daughter of a miner and from a family of strong working class women, Heather Wood has been involved in virtually every aspect of her community, not least her work with Save Easington Area Mines (SEAM), a group that […]

NELH Tuesday Meeting: John Griffiths, Washington: Crocodiles and Cows, Sixty Years of a New Town


Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84338306591?pwd=MnRVL3JRc1QrNzNQUkhVVFh2TmlRUT09 Meeting ID: 843 3830 6591 Passcode: 953770 Washington New Town was ‘designated’ for development in 1964, part of a second wave of New Towns to be built under the provisions the New Towns Act of 1946. Its purpose was to stimulate economic development in the Tyneside and Wearside area, and it […]

Society of Antiquaries (Newcastle): North East Miners’ Banners

Lecture Theatre 2 Herschel Building, Claremont road, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne

From Sue Ward Please join us for the April meeting of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne on Wednesday 24 April at 6.00pm in the Lecture Theatre 2, Herschel Building, Newcastle University, Claremont Road NE1 7RU. Our guest lecture will be: North-East Miners' Banners by Ken Smith The banners of North-East miners are […]

South Tyneside Trades Council May Day Rally & Celebration

Alberta Social Club Railway Street, Jarrow

From Paul Mayne This will be held on Wednesday 1 May at the Alberta Social Club, Railway Street, Jarrow NE32 5HW. The speaker will be Mick Bowman from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign who is recently returned from Palestine and his talk will include reference to the history of the area. Doors open 7.00pm, Speaker 7.30pm […]

NELH Tuesday Meeting: Jake Milner, The ‘Silicon Valley’ of The Green Industrial Revolution. But at what cost? An Oral History of Industrial and Energy Transition on Teesside


Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83519175419?pwd=K3ducnZQZlNkTVZRVjZiZGUrS1h5Zz09 Meeting ID: 835 1917 5419 Passcode: 382599 My realm of study is the transition from a 'steel culture' on Teesside to a 'Green energy' culture. Essentially I aim to trace:  The disintegration of a steel culture of Teesside (related to the way deindustrialisation on Teesside is perceived to have been unjust […]

Professor Jim Phillips: Milton Rogovin and the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike

You Tube Livestream

Professor Jim Phillips of the University of Glasgow will consider the Before & After Coal exhibition to explore the meaning and relevance of the miners' strike 40 years on. Tuesday 4 June, 12.45-1.30pm. National and livestreamed via YouTube. Free but ticketed. In 1982 Milton Rogovin photographed Scottish miners, their families and communities. His images capture the […]

CANCELLED. NELH Tuesday Meeting: Peter Smith, The effects of Deindustrialisation on a 1960’s Railway Town


Our apologies, a last-minute technical problem means we cannot go ahead with tonight's meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82824674327?pwd=ckUvQkt4MStLUzRwVjQ5UHdtSzhlZz09 Meeting ID: 828 2467 4327 Passcode: 172736 I was born in Ashington, where I lived within view of the colliery shunting yard and a lifelong obsession with railways was born. I did however spend most of my […]