Oral History: Political Organisations

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  • Lillian Boyd – Labour Party, Women’s Guild
  • David Connolly – Student activism, Labour Party, Co-operative Party (north-east)
  • John Creaby – Young Socialists/ Labour Party/ Co-operator / Trade unionist/ campaigner
  • Kevin Flynn – Workers’ Revolutionary Party, GMB (shipyards)
  • Steve Grinter – International Marxist Group, TGWU; Labour Party, Trades Council
  • Doreen Henderson – Socialist, Folk singing.
  • Stuart Hill – Young Communists, Unions, CP, Equal Pay
  • Sandy Irvine – International Socialist Group, Tyneside Socialist Centre, green politics
  • Joan Lamb – Co-op Party inc. Women’s Guild (local and national), Newcastle councillor
  • Peter Latham – W. Newcastle CP, Law Centre, Benwell CDP, Trades Council, NATFHE
  • Steve Manchee – Communist Party of Great Britain
  • Vin and Pat McIntyre – Labour Party 1948 – present, including democratising the party/ conferences/ campaigning eg vs poll tax. May Day and other socials. TU and workers’ solidarity. International and peace campaigns
  • Bala Nair – Labour party and Co-op party activism. Shop steward MATSA
  • Mary Stratford – Labour Party; Miners’ strike 1984-85; campaigning
  • Paul Tinnion – National organiser Co-op party for N of England; Gateshead councillor
  • Nigel Todd – Co-operative and Labour Party; WEA