Monthly Archives: October 2023

North East Labour History Society Subscriptions Rates

At the 2023 Annual General Meeting we passed a resolution to increase our subscription rates on 1 October 2023. This is because the current subscription rates are not keeping pace with the rapid increases in printing and distribution costs for our Journal. The Journal represents over 80% of our annual income.  In 2019 it cost £2,200 to produce 300 copies, this year it is costing just short of £3,000 to produce 250 copies.

The subscription pays for printing and delivery of our Journal to every member of the society. It also pays for the online availability of our eighteen most recent Journals (from 2005 onwards) and a wealth of online oral history and biographical information about radical and working-class movement figures from the history of the North East.

As was discussed at the AGM, the Journal is known for its well-researched articles on a wide range of bottom-up politics and campaigning in the North East: the labour movement, the women’s movement, diversity, health, education, housing and so on.

The new rates are:

Waged:                          £35 pa
Student or in receipt of benefits:      £17 pa
Solidarity rate*:           £50 pa
International postage, please add £5 pa

*The Solidarity Rate is a new rate introduced for those who feel able to pay a little more.

If like most of our members you pay by standing order, click here to open and print a form that will enable your bank to replace your existing Standing Order with a new one for the new subscription rate that applies to you*. Alternatively, you can send a cheque to:

Judith McSwaine

NELHS Treasurer

12 Whitfield Road
Forest Hall
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE12 7LJ